JJA News is seeking contributors from among the JJA membership. This is your organization, and it’s your publication, so we want your voices heard, we want your news reported.
Items for JJA News are not necessarily full-blown articles or think-pieces – rather, quick hits on events transpiring in jazz journalism, the wider media and the arts in general that you, our members, know about – hirings, firings, conflicts between venues and reviewers, new publication launches, or other assorted news not typically noticed by anyone except those directly affected.
The goal: more conversation about the issues at hand to JJA members. In-depth pieces are certainly welcome, but mainly we seek short and focused items, to increase both the volume of reportage and the number of people doing the reporting.
Writers of content for JJA News are also encouraged to express their opinions and thoughts about our profession, stimulating dialogue and spreading information on what we need to function as jazz journalists.
You won’t receive money for this work, but as a JJA News contributor you will be providing a vital service to the community of journalists and the fellow members of your organization. The more people pitch in, the more the workload is shared and the more all of us know about the landscape of jazz journalism as it is now, and as it is changing every day.
Members who want to write or photograph for JJA News should contact JJA News editor David R. Adler at editor@jazzjournalists.org. Thank you — we’re eager to see what you’ve got to report.