Apply now to eyeJAZZ Training Program – Jazz Journalists Association News Skip to content

Apply now to eyeJAZZ Training Program

Applications to the eyeJAZZ Training Program are now being accepted. Successful applicants will receive a free pocket video camera* and instruction in basic video production and editing and in jazz journalism and storytelling. is the video project of the Jazz Journalists Association, funded by the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation as part of its JazzNEXT program. The aim of the eyeJAZZ training program is to produce a cadre of videomakers able to use inexpensive but high quality video equipment to produce short, newsy ‘eyeJAZZ’ videos that report on how, where and by whom jazz is being created in our communities. Sample eyeJAZZ videos are posted at and on the eyeJAZZ Facebook page.

apply to eyeJAZZ Training ProgramThe training program will begin about March 15 and continue through July. All  training will be conducted online via webinars and video sessions so participants can come from anywhere with good internet connections.

No previous video production experience is necessary to take part in the training program;  high school and college students with a strong interest in jazz as well as experienced journalists, musicians and presenters– and anyone else who meets the simple application requirements— are encouraged to complete the two-part application before February 15, 2011.   Please pass the application information on to anyone you know who might be interested in applying.  Signup for the eyeJAZZ mailing list to receive program updates.

* applicants from outside the U.S. may not receive cameras, see the special note on the training site .

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