Talking Jazz II: Tuning in to the Future/Jazz Radio in Transition Part 2 – Jazz Journalists Association News Skip to content

Talking Jazz II: Tuning in to the Future/Jazz Radio in Transition Part 2

Wednesday, Dec 17, 2014



What will the jazz radio of the future sound like?  This is part two of our Talking Jazz series on jazz radio — our panelists are making the radio of the future today and will tell you how they do it as they prepare for changes to come for radio producers and listeners.   You are invited to watch the live panel discussion on Google Hangouts and post your own  questions and comments for the panel.  (If you missed Part 1 on Nov 19 you can view it here.) The 2014-15  JJA online Talking Jazz panels are presented by The Jazz Cruise as part of its Anita E. Berry Jazz Education Fund


Panelists (l-r):
 Katea Stitt is interim program director, music and cultural affairs coordinator of  radio station WPFW (Washington DC), the president and founder of Anyawu Management and among other activities has been an interviewer for the Jazz Oral History Program of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History.

Arturo Gómez became an on air-host at WDNA-Miami  in 1989 and music director a few months later. Since 2003 Gómez has been the music director at jazz89 KUVO-Denver, winning Gavin Music Director of the Year and three Jazz Week Music Director of the Year honors. In 2014 he received the Jazz Week Duke Dubois Jazz Humanitarian Award. He is heavily involved in community and cultural affairs, music education and organizer of the annual 5 Points Jazz Festival of Denver.

Katie Simon is the executive producer of  NPR Music’s Jazz Night in America, produced with WBGO and Jazz at Lincoln Center and was recently named Senior Producer for National Programming at WBGO, Newark Public Radio. She has been a senior producer for Story Corps and  has also reported for WBGO, Newark Public Radio, and written for NPR’s JazzSet with Dee Dee Bridgewater. Katie’s work has twice been awarded the George Foster Peabody Award.

Jim Wilke has hosted and produced live and recorded jazz radio shows since 1957, including Jazz After Hours on PRI, which he recently retired from after 30 years.  A JJA Jazz Hero and winner of the Willis Conover-Marian McParkland Award for Excellence in Broadcasting, he’s mixed and produced hundreds of s on-location programs featuring Duke Ellington, Dizzy Gillespie, John Coltrane, Art Blakey, among many others. He  continues to produce a weekly Jazz Northwest show focusing on the regional jazz scene; his new  website is

Moderated by JJA President Howard Mandel.


You’ll be able to post your comments and questions below when the Hangout starts. Thanks for joining us!

Live Blog Tuning in to the Future: Jazz Radio in Transition

Previous webinars can be viewed for free at the links below:

Talking Jazz 1 Where We’ll Hear JazzView the Recording

Talking Jazz 2 What Should Arts Journalists Know? View the Recording

Talking Jazz 3  Federal, State & City Arts Funding & Jazz View the Recording

Talking Jazz 4 Jazz ‘Diplomacy’ Now View the Recording

Talking Jazz 5  Museums Keep Jazz Alive View the Recording

Talking Jazz 6   Teaching Jazz Values  View the Recording

Talking Jazz 7  New Online Jazz Publications  View the Recording

Talking Jazz 8  Big Jazz Publications  View the Recording

Talking Jazz II  Jazz Radio in Transition Part 1 View the Recording

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