Talking Jazz 8: Big Jazz Publications – Jazz Journalists Association News Skip to content

Talking Jazz 8: Big Jazz Publications

From the Big Guns: What Lies Ahead?

May 29, 2014




Frank Alkyer (l), publisher of DownBeat magazine, and Michael Ricci (r), founder of, AllAboutJazz magazine and JazzNearYou, discuss jazz in print and online as they produce it now, and provide their perspectives on trends, developments and innovations in jazz publishing.  Is the traditional monthly, a  paper magazine, delivered to subscribers via snail mail or purchased at news stands, a sustainable model into the future? Can web-based platforms gain enough income from advertising and/or subscriptions to pay contributors? How has technology changed collection and dissemination of information about jazz? Can jazz journalism be a profession, or will it become more of a hobby? Bring your own questions for our panelists.


Frank Alkyer  is the publisher of DownBeat  –the longest  enduring and perhaps best known jazz publication in the world– as well as publisher of  Music Inc. and UpBeat Daily magazines, all produced by Maher Publications.  He joined the company as editorial director in 1989 and was named associate publisher in 1992 and publisher in 2003. Frank  began his career as a newspaper reporter and has covered everything from police and city hall to entertainment and business.
Michael Ricci is  a  web entrepreneur with a background in information technologies who combined his vocation with his love of jazz music and launched All About Jazz in 1995–a website that reaches over 500,000 readers worldwide. In 2012, Michael spun off Jazz Near You,, a network of nearly 250 websites focused on aggregating local jazz events and distributing them through the web, email, phone, widgets and feeds.

Moderated by JJA President Howard Mandel.

 You’ll be able to watch live video of our panel (via Google Hangouts on Air) and post your own comments and questions for the panelists.

Get a special offer on an exclusive NEW jazz cruise AND support the JJA: The 2013-14 JJA online Talking Jazz panels are presented by The Jazz Cruise as part of its Anita E. Berry Jazz Education Fund, with further support from Century Media Partners

You’ll be able to post your comments and questions in the ‘widget’ below when the Hangout starts. Thanks for joining us!


Other webinars in this series:

Talking Jazz 1 Where We’ll Hear JazzView the Recording

Talking Jazz 2 What Should Arts Journalists Know? View the Recording

Talking Jazz 3  Federal, State & City Arts Funding & Jazz View the Recording

Talking Jazz 4 Jazz ‘Diplomacy’ Now View the Recording

Talking Jazz 5  Museums Keep Jazz Alive View the Recording

Talking Jazz 6   Teaching Jazz Values  View the Recording

Talking Jazz 7  New Online Jazz Publications  View the Recording

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