Talking Jazz 5 Museums Keep Jazz Alive In Their Communities – Jazz Journalists Association News Skip to content
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Talking Jazz 5 Museums Keep Jazz Alive In Their Communities

Wed Jan 22, 2014  8pm EST


VIEW THE WEBINAR RECORDING BELOW . Scroll down until you see the YouTube screen.



Museums help preserve  jazz history– but they also help ensure that jazz remains a living art form through their educational programs and special events. How can community members and organizations with an interest in jazz work more closely with museums and other local cultural institutions so all can contribute to keeping jazz alive and swinging?

 You’ll be able to watch live video of our panel (via Google Hangouts on Air) and post your own comments and questions for the panelists.

Panelists (l-r):
Michael Cogswell  is executive director of the Louis Armstrong House, which opened in 2003 as the only national landmark for a jazz musician that is completely authentic and open to the public six days per week, 52 weeks per year.  Cogswell has made presentations on Louis Armstrong in cities across the United States and Europe and is the author of Louis Armstrong: The Offstage Story of Satchmo (Collectors Press, 2003). Starting in 1991 he had preserved and cataloged Louis Armstrong’s vast personal collection of home-recorded tapes, scrapbooks, photographs, manuscripts, gold-plated trumpets and other treasures for The Louis Armstrong Archives, situated in Queens College.
Marcia Baird-Burris  is  public affairs specialist at the Anacostia Community Museum in Washington, D.C. A major goal of the museum and its collections, public programs and educational programs “has been to provide visitors with material evidence of the African American experience from a community perspective, while underscoring the idea that the things that make people distinctly different are also the things that make us all universally the same.” 
Kennith R. Kimery, Executive Director of the Smithsonian Jazz Masterworks Orchestra and Jazz Oral History Program, has produced over 300 concerts in Washington, D.C.; received critical acclaim from the Washington Post; was featured in Smithsonian Magazine; and awarded “Excellence in an Artistic Discipline” at the 18th Annual Mayor’s Arts Awards. Since 1992, the SJMO has traversed the United States taking the Museum to the four corners of our country reaching audiences in over 40 states.
Moderated by JJA President Howard Mandel
The 2013-14 JJA online Talking Jazz panels are presented by The Jazz Cruise as part of its Anita E. Berry Jazz Education Fund, with further support from Century Media Partners

Welcome! Please post your questions and comments in the box below the video screen.  Questions and comments will be passed on to the panelists, and we’ll try to get to all your questions in the last half hour of the webinar.   Our apologies for any dropouts in the audio or video. Quality depends on the internet bandwidth our panelists have as well as your own viewing bandwidth.


Other webinars in this series:

Talking Jazz 1 Where We’ll Hear Jazz

View the Recording

Talking Jazz 2 What Should Arts Journalists Know?
View the Recording

Talking Jazz 3  Federal, State & City Arts Funding & Jazz
View the Recording

Talking Jazz 4 Jazz ‘Diplomacy’ Now
Wed Dec 18 – 8pm EST

Talking Jazz 5  Museums Keep Jazz Alive
Wed Jan 22- 8pm EST

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