The JJA has multiple outlets, platforms, and social media accounts. Links and information on each of these is contained in…
MoreThey go low — or high — and JJA members just keep goin’. It’s the only way. Look at the…
My Top 10 of 2024
on 2024-12-16
Natalia Rikker
on 2024-12-02
Paul Rauch
on 2024-11-30
Notable Recordings 2024
on 2024-11-28
Chuck Koton
on 2024-02-13
Leslie Lynnton Fuller
on 2024-01-12
The Jazz Journalists Association is now open for submissions for the 2025 JJA Jazz Award for Photo of the Year (2024). To submit a photograph, choose an image you have taken within calendar year 2024. It must be sent as an attachment as a 72dpi jpeg, no bigger than 1000 pixels on the long dimension. Send the email with your image to by Sunday, March 23, 2025. In the email tell us: 1) WHO is in your photo 2) WHERE you took it 3) WHEN (the date, at least approximate) you took it. Remember, your photo must have been…
MoreThe Jazz Journalists Association has launched its annual Jazz Awards season with the announcement ofeight nominees and 15 Honorable Mentions in two categories of Book of the Year (2024) Awards. In addition, Special Citations have been awarded by the JJA Book Committee for two efforts at anthologizing previous writings. Winners of the Best Biography/Autobiography Award and Best Book of History, Criticism, Culture Award will be determined by voting of the JJA’s approximately 250 international active members. Nominees in most Jazz Awards categories are determined through an open-to-members nomination process, winners coming…
MoreThe famous Russian jazz ensemble Uralskiy Dixieland turned 55 at the end…
MoreWritten in reaction to the publication of the 19th annual Francis Davis…
MoreThe ghost of George Wein dropped by and mingled with jazzmen of…
MoreA new Romanian film documents the man behind invaluable, Quixotic Leo Records,…

The annual Jazz Journalists Awards, established in 1996 and conferred by vote of JJA professional members, celebrate accomplishments in music and music media

Educational webinars, panel discussions, members’ meetups and professional symposia, held across the U.S. or online for international access.

“Activists, advocates, altruists, aiders and abettors of jazz” – members of jazz’s ‘A Team’– are recognized by the JJA and in their communities throughout the U.S.

Insights and interviews from JJA members on new music, publications and films about jazz, and on the the state of jazz journalism and evolving mediums.
Jazz Journalists Association Sponsors

Freshly posted: Archival video of the JJA Photography Master Class, with Lauren Deutsch, whose innovative experiments in fine arts photography and journalistic…
MoreThe JJA’s Youtube published video of the 2015 Jazz Awards party in New…
JJA Resources

SEEING JAZZ is a monthly live master class series led by past JJA Photographer of the Year award winners and other professional photo journalists

eyeJAZZ is a series of webinars used created out of a JJA's Video Training Program for short, news, jazz videos made with simple tools and distributed online

TALKING JAZZ webinars feature jazz world leaders and experts discussing the issues that are shaping the way we perform, program, promote –and fund– jazz now and in the future.

Resources for producing and promoting events for International Jazz Appreciation Month (aka: April) and beyond.