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Please see RENEWAL instructions below if you are a current JJA Member or were once a JJA Member and want to REACTIVATE your membership.

 How To Join the Jazz Journalists Association

Click the link below for the membership category you qualify for to learn more about membership benefits and to access the membership application.

You can join the JJA

  • as a   Professional Member if you are a writer, photographer, broadcaster, film maker videographer, radio or web producer or otherwise cover jazz in a professional capacity.
  • as an  Associate/ Supporter if you are a musician, educator, publisher, publicist, presenter, work in allied fields or simply want to support the JJA’s work.   Companies and organizations can have multiple memberships by joining at one of the Supporter levels.
  • as a First-time one-year professional member (March 18 -June 1, 2024), voting but not nominating in 2024 JJA Awards.
  • as a  Student Member if you are a full-time student with a clear interest in becoming a jazz journalist (Please note:  Applicants in this category must meet the eligibility requirements on the application form; please read these carefully before submitting.)

Please click the links above for more information about membership benefits and requirements and to apply for membership online.

Membership Renewals

Current  AND Lapsed JJA Members: To renew or reactivate your membership,  visit the JJA Member Site/Office and LOGIN to your personal Member Profile. Do NOT fill out a new application even if you have not been an active member for some time. If this is your first login, or you have trouble logging in,  follow the instructions on the site and then contact if you are still unsuccessful.

Donate to the Jazz Journalists Association

The best way to build new audiences for jazz is by using media in new ways to tell the story of jazz.

Your donation will help us:

  • launch “Jazz Lives” –a network of jazz media makers, presenters and musicians that will use online and social media to connect with each other
  • expand our media training workshops and webinars for jazz journalists and other professionals in the jazz world
  • support programs like our  eyeJAZZ Video Training program
  • expand our mentoring of new jazz journalists
  • expand and improve coverage in  JJA News, our online publication
  • archive our training materials online and make them available to the public.
Donations of any size are welcome and helpful.

Donate online via Wild Apricots (secure onsite) payment today, or for more information about donating funds or sponsoring JJA activities, contact Howard Mandel,