Relaunching “Seeing Jazz” and The Buzz podcast – Jazz Journalists Association News Skip to content

Relaunching “Seeing Jazz” and The Buzz podcast

After brief hiatus, the JJA’s premiere original programs have resumed production.

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“Seeing Jazz: JJA Photography Salon/Master Class” resumes November 23 at 2 pm ET with Chicago-based master photographer Marc Monaghan hosted by Hrayr Attarian — and the fall season of The Buzz: The JJA Podcast kicks off with newly appointed managing editor Lawrence Peryer speaking to the editorial team behind The Jazz Omnibus: 21st Century Photos and Writings by Members of the Jazz Journalists Association — editor David Adler, copy chief Terri Hinte, editorial advisor Howard Mandel and Cymbal Press publisher Gary S. Stager — about the anthology presenting expert coverage of jazz and jazz-adjacent topics from the two decades since the JJA’s incorporation as a 501 (c) 3.

Seeing Jazz, a lively and lively “salon/master class” in which noted photographers from around the world have discussed their careers, practices and specific favorite images. In archived form, it has become a popular playlist on the JJA’s YouTube channel. It features in-depth interviews with photographers including John Abbott, Phliip Arneil. Stuart Brinnin, Lauren Deutsch, Enid Farber, Tatiana Gorislovski, the late Ken Franckling, Lou Jones, Bill King, Adriana Mateo, Marc PoKempner, Luciano Rossetti, Harvey Tillis and several more. Seeing Jazz sessions are live and interactive, the third Saturday of each month.

The Buzz entering its second year of production, is for now on a monthly schedule. Upcoming episodes include an interview of the JJA’s Lifetime Achievement in Jazz Journalist Award winner Will Friedwald by board member Neil Tesser, and interviews with book authors by members of the JJA’s Book Award committee (headed by Bob Blumenthal).

As for books on the Buzz: In its latest episode The Jazz Omnibus editors explain its year-long process of compiling texts and images from the JJA’s international membership, and publisher Stager talks about Cymbal Press’s print-on-demand business model. Works by more than 85 contributors — all active JJA members — appear in the Omnibus‘ 600 pages (including a lengthy selected bibliography).

Cymbal Press has also recently published JJA member Dan Ouellette’s The Landfill ChroniclesUnearthing Legends of Modern Music, and guitarist Joel Harrison’s Pity the GeniusA Journey Through American Guitar Music in 33 Tracks. All these volumes are available in hardcover, paperback and ebook editions from online book sellers.

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