Entries are now being accepted from photographers world-wide for the JJA’s Photo of the Year (2021) Jazz Award.

Riccardo Pittau e Gli Amici di Matteo
by Luciano Rossetti
“We want photos that represent both jazz and photography as they were practiced in the year 2021. We want to see what you saw,” according to the call for submissions issued by the JJA to some 300 photographers who have entered images in prior years.
This Award is open to non-JJA members — and competition is stiff. View previous winners here.
To submit a photograph, choose an image you have taken within calendar year 2021. It must be sent as an attachment as a 72dpi jpeg, no bigger than 1000 pixels on the long dimension.
Send the email with your image to photos@jazzjournalists.org by Sunday, March 13, 2022. In the email tell us:
- WHO is in your photo
- WHERE you took it 3)
- WHEN (the date, at least approximate) you took it. Remember, your photo must have been taken between January 1 and December 31, 2021.

Entries will be previewed by a committee of JJA-member professional photographers to choose nominees to be voted on by all JJA professional members as part of the 2022 JJA Jazz Awards. Hrayr Attarian is chair of the JJA Photo Award of the Year committee.
Please submit and share news of this call for submissions with colleagues.