Highest rating: What’s new in jazz books and documentaries? Lowest: What are you listening to?

Last month, we asked JJA members to rate 17 types of articles that have or might appear on JJANews, regarding their desirability. Forty-one members responded, rating each selection from one to five.
The type of article which respondees most would like to see more of, racking up a total of 174 points (out of a possible 205), is “Periodic Updates of Published Books, Released Documentaries,” followed closely by “Essays About Jazz Criticism” (167) and “Concert, Club and Festival Reviews” (167) — which JJANews typically publishes only within the context of “Venue, Festival or Scene Updates (scoring 153; 5 points, 13) . Also in the top five: “Book Reviews” (164) and “Publishing Opportunities” (165).
Five other subjects garnered a total of 150 points or more and received a lot of five point scores: “Resources and Grants for Jazz Journalists” (total, 161; 5 points, 18), “Members’ Updates” (total, 154; 5 points, 17), “Essays by Musicians About What They Are Looking For in Criticism” (total, 150; 5 points, 17), and “Profiles and interviews of JJA Award Winners (total, 156; 5 points, 16). Complete results are here.

We’ll be taking these numbers to heart. Expect upcoming updates on recent books about jazz, reviews and essays about criticism. Efforts are underway to connect more deeply with the pipeline about film documentaries, as well. Updates on books published are forthcoming.
In addition to providing a list of ideas, we asked members to suggest other subjects they’d like to read about as well as ideas for articles they’d like to write. Would you like to contribute a piece about “Tips For Liner Note Writing” or “Tips For Building Your Website?” If so, or if you have other ideas, please contact me at pdebarros@comcast.com).
By the way, the suggested category of post rated of least interest? “Members’ Playlists” (117 points). Hmm. I guess that shouldn’t come as a huge surprise from people who get paid to tell other people what they’re listening to. But I’m guessing we’re all a little more curious than we let on! Judge for yourself. Below is a table of the results, ranked in order of total points favoring more posts of the denoted type.
Survey Results
- Periodic Updates of Published Books, Released Documentaries (174)
- Essays About Jazz Criticism (167)
- Concert, Club and Festival Reviews (167)
- Book Reviews (164)
- Publishing Opportunities (165)
- Resources and Grants for Jazz Journalists (161)
- Profiles and interviews of JJA Award Winners (156)
- Members’ Updates (154)
- Venue, Festival and “Scene” Updates From Around the World (153)
- Musicians Essays About What They Are Looking For in Criticism (150)
- NEA Jazz Masters Winners Profiles (147)
- News of Jazz Heroes’ Activities (143)
- How-To Pieces About Digital Media (blogs, podcasts, etc.) (138)
- Members’ Photo Displays (slideshows) (133)
- Members’ Podcasts (132)
- Legal and Copyright Issues for Freelancers (125)
- Members’ Playlists (117)