As the U.S. economy craters in response to the Covid-19 virus, the mostly freelancing writers, photographers and videographers covering jazz are affected like everyone else. Yet these professionals or income streams seem unlikely to be included in funding responses.

Publications, the main income stream expected to finance freelancer’s professional media endeavors, are already challenged are losing advertising and in some cases distribution outposts. Freelance journalists seldom qualify for grants intended for “artists” or even “writers” (usually, authors of long-form works, fiction/creative non-fiction/biography/memoir, seldom criticism or reportage). Where does a jazz journalist turn for financial support?
Good question. A recent webinar produced by the Authors Guild took up the matter; its expert panelists found few clear answers. One takeaway is: Try applying for everything. You can only be rejected.
Here’s the aforementioned 3Arts resource page — a wealth of info to mine.
The Authors Guild also has a page of information about applying for PPP loans. Those funds are at this point of posting exhausted, but it’s assumed they will be replenished in the next couple of weeks. If that happens, move fast! It’s first come-first served, which seems eminently fair (not).
Former JJA member Stephanie J. Castillo, director of the Thomas Chapin documentary Night Bird Song, sent us links (for which we thank her) to sites with their own links to sites with information on potential funding sources. One is from Creative Capital, another from Artwork Archive.
Study the possibilities. None of them scream “Jazz Journalists, big bucks here!” but you may be qualified for some of the grants here. Give likely prospects a try. Cheaper than playing the lottery.